Crisis Communication

Real-Time Monitoring and Instant Notifications for Crisis Situations.

Never miss a thing with Mediaboard

Crisis communication requires swift, precise, and reliable tools to manage potential threats. Mediaboard's solution ensures that you stay informed and responsive 24/7 through advanced monitoring and instant alerts. Get real-time updates from online, traditional, and social media.

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Our solution for
Crisis Communication

πŸ“° Comprehensive Media Monitoring

Our solution leverages state-of-the-art technology to monitor TV and radio broadcasts in real-time.

● Voice Recognition: Detects and analyzes spoken content across media channels.

● Face Recognition: Identifies individuals on screen for context and relevance.

● Brand Recognition Without Vocalization: Identifies visually appearing brand names on TV screens, even if not mentioned.

πŸ”” Instant Notifications

When a potential crisis is detected, timely notifications are crucial. Mediaboard guarantees alerts within 2 minutes.

● 24/7 Monitoring: Our system works around the clock, so you don’t have to.

● Multiple Notification Channels:

– Email

● MediaBoard Mobile App:

– Push Notifications
– Apple Watch Integration

Stay ahead of the crisis with Mediaboard

We provide rapid, reliable communication during crises. Our media monitoring and notification system keeps you informed and ready to respond quickly, minimizing potential threats to your brand.

Our tools ensure you get the information you need, when you need it, allowing you to manage the situation effectively.

Experience the power of real-time crisis communication!


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Find the right answers.
What is crisis communication?
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The meaning of crisis communication is to have a plan and strategic outline that prepares an organization to effectively communicate during emergencies. It's essential to maintain transparency, protect the brand, and manage stakeholder expectations during a crisis.
How do you create an effective crisis communication strategy?
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Creating an effective strategy involves identifying key roles and responsibilities, defining the target audience, establishing clear communication channels, and developing key messages aligned with the organization's values. Key components include a detailed response strategy, designated spokespersons, internal and external communication protocols, pre-approved messaging, and regular training and simulations for the crisis team.
Why is timely communication important during a crisis?
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Timely communication is crucial to control the narrative, reduce speculation, and build trust with stakeholders. Delayed responses can lead to misinformation and increased panic.
What is an example of crisis communication?
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In 2019, some company faced a major data breach compromising millions of customers' personal information. The company immediately acknowledged the breach, issued a public apology, and expressed deep concern. They set up a 24/7 helpline, offered free credit monitoring, and provided regular updates on a dedicated webpage detailing security enhancements. They also actively monitored media and social media to address misinformation and manage the narrative. This proactive, empathetic approach, combined with consistent, clear communication and media monitoring, helped maintain customer trust and mitigate reputational damage.
How does social media impact crisis communication?
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Social media plays a significant role in crisis communication by providing real-time updates, facilitating direct interaction with the public, and allowing organizations to monitor public sentiment and respond promptly.
How do you measure the effectiveness of a crisis communication plan?
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Effectiveness can be measured through stakeholder feedback, media coverage analysis, social media sentiment, and post-crisis evaluations to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
What are common mistakes in crisis communication?
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Common mistakes include lack of preparation, delayed response, failure to communicate transparently, ignoring the emotional aspect of the crisis, and not learning from past incidents.
How can media monitoring help in crisis communication?
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Media monitoring helps by tracking mentions of the crisis across various platforms, assessing public sentiment, identifying misinformation, and providing data to refine communication strategies.
What are the 5 C's of crisis communication?
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The 5 C's of Crisis Communication:

Care: Show genuine empathy and concern for those affected by the crisis. This includes acknowledging the impact on individuals and communities and demonstrating that the organization prioritizes their well-being.

Commitment: Demonstrate a strong commitment to resolving the issue and preventing future occurrences. This includes taking responsibility, being proactive in addressing the situation, and following through on promises made.

Consistency: Maintain consistent messaging across all communication channels. Consistency helps prevent misinformation and confusion, ensuring that all stakeholders receive the same information.

Clarity: Communicate in a clear, straightforward manner. Avoid jargon and complex language to ensure that the message is easily understood by everyone, including the general public.

Control: Maintain control over the narrative by being the primary source of information. This involves timely updates and managing the flow of information to prevent rumors and speculation.